At ExpeticUS, we understand the value that a well-prepared and qualified expert can bring to a litigated case, or even a case in pre-suit status. We also understand that the administrative tasks involved with organizing records, responding to inquiries and ensuring proper case preparation can be overwhelming.

Are you looking to grow your expert witness career without substantially taking away from your current position and area of expertise? Allow us to help you grow your Expert Witness Career.

The Experticus advantage

We recognize that different experts are at different stages in their career and thus, there are varying levels of need for assistance. This is a concept that has long been ignored. We have three basic levels of service for experts.


If you are simply looking for another outlet to promote yourself as part of an expert witness career, please contact us below to arrange your free listing. Your CV and basic expert information will be required.

Brokerage service

This service is our most popular. In addition to your free professional listing on our website, we will serve as the intermediary between yourself and the client. We will collect and organize the necessary documents for you and we will also provide the full billing service. We will make sure all deadlines known in advance. The fee for this service is a small % of the fee billed in this matter.

premium expert service

In addition to the services noted , in our Brokerage Service, as part of the premium service, we provide support documentation monitoring and retention so that you do not need to locate your CV and other required items each time you are hired. We will survey and monitor cases in which you have been a value-added expert based on client feedback, and will promote this to clients in similar cases. As part of this service, if you are willing to review matters on short notice, higher fees may be available. Also, in the near future, we will be releasing our Expert Witness Training Service. Inquire for more information.

contact information

write us or contact us on our social media